In a way, it's great that time has passed so quickly. I'm happy to say that I am now halfway done being pregnant. I've finally resigned to the fact that I am just not one of those lucky people who love being pregnant. I'm not even one of those people who likes being pregnant!
The good news is that I have felt better this pregnancy than the first go round; the even better news is that we found out that we are having a boy. The ultrasound lady didn't believe me when I started whooping and hollering that this will be my last!! We'll see . . .
I love the fall time. I decided to get all Suzy Homemaker and learn how to can. Jon and I canned our first peaches and pears. The fruit flies have now found new residency with us, but the process actually turned out really well.
My parents have been displaced since April because they had a little disagreement between them and their all too ancient bar-b-que. The bar-b-que finally had it and launched itself up into the rafters of my parents home making the roof an early firework show for the neighbors and the news. They were finally able to return to their house at the end of September. Their house looks beautiful. I'll have to make sure to take some pictures to show.
Now that it is October, we are busy with setting up our extravagent Halloween decor spectacle. Watch out, Jon is thinking of who to kill off this year for his cemetary. We had a blast picking out pumpkins at the pumpkin patch. Jon now wants to be a pumpkin farmer once he retires and Mollee wants to be a tractor driver when she grows up.