Saturday, June 27, 2009


#1 - Get ahold of this book.
#2 - Find 1 hour to read this book.
#3 - Ask yourself, "What I am afraid of?"
#4 - Ask yourself, "What I am going to do to overcome this fear?"
#5 - Do it!!
One of my biggest fears that has prevented me from living a happy, normal life is building relationships with people. I have never let many people close to me. Recently, my fear has so hindered me that I get anxiety before going to events, going to church and Relief Society functions, and pretty much anywhere else. I don't like to run into people that I know and I can't even stand in my own front yard without Jon for fear that someone might walk by.
It's not that I'm really shy or that I don't like people, it's just that I've built my own wedge between me and the rest of society by telling myself over and over again that I'm different because I'm a working mom, or because I don't like to cook, or because I'm a girl that likes sports, and so on and so on. I then talk myself into the farce that I have nothing in common with anyone and therefore nothing to say.
After years of wondering what the root of my problem is, I first read this book and then I opened up to some really wonderful neighborhood ladies who had some really great advice. From these two things, I learned:
a) Why do I need to know what the root of a problem is in order to get past it?
b) There are a lot of people that feel the same way I do, I just don't know it.
c) Mollee is picking up on my fears and exibiting the same behaviors as she is just learning how to build friendships.
d) My fear is preventing me from serving the Lord.
I made a goal to get over this fear. I picked a really challenging thing for me, go to the park. For some of you, you may gawk at this simple task, but for me, I break out in a sweat thinking that I may run into someone and not know what to say. Soo . . . I'm going to do it. I'm going to work on this fear and hopefully you will take on the challenge to determine what fear it is that is preventing you from living life and to do something about it!!


  1. Ok! Aimee that really hit home for me. I think I have some of the same fears you do. I have found myself avoiding places because I just do not know what to say to people. I have also seen people form school and old jobs at places and I usealy will walk the other way if they have not spoted me yet. I guess that is kind of crazy. My ward now and my kids have helped me get over some of my fears but I steel have this feeling that I just don’t belong or I am the outsider even when I am include in things. I just have always have felt out of place. I guess that is the best way to explain how I feel. Thinks for sharing Aimee. I am going to have to get that book.

  2. Great post :)

    I still remember seeing you at the park that day and wondering whether I should come up and bother you, and I'm glad I did! IF it helps, none of that nervousness or fear comes off when you're talking to someone, and you had some great insights there too, that book club night was one of the most lifechanging event for some of us. I'm headed back to school, and without that shove, probably wouldn't have, no, I wouldn't have at all!
