Jon and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary on Earth Day. We spent a romantic weekend in St. George gazing into each other's glassy eyes . . . at 3:00 am as I was feeding Logan in our kid friendly motel after we had spent a long day driving 4 1/2 hours with two kids with our windows down in the 30 degree weather because it was better to have snow whacking us in the face then to be stuck with the stench of vomit from a 3 year old who gets carsick.
Okay, so our anniversary wasn't anywhere near the classic romantic movie, but we did have a really good time. Every year, we choose an activity that has to do with the traditional or modern gift/theme of the year. This year was our 6th which is iron or sugar. So, we visited Preston and his fiance Melina in Cedar City in Iron County and played at the Iron Mission State Park and then stayed in St. George and hiked Sugarloaf Rock (the rock that has Dixie painted on it) and ate ice cream.
The weather was fantastic once we got to St. George. We ate, and hiked, and swam, and played. Mollee's favorite part about the trip was making new friends at the pool, Logan's favorite part was spending time with his mommy and daddy, Jon's favorite part was the hiking and my favorite part was having the cleaning crew clean up after us in the motel.
Happy Anniversary!!!